
strong heart。my view(0^.^0)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Believe in yourself and go after your goals and dreams!
i like it!
today,mum tells me that,i have to improve mtself in order to have a better job after graduate...!
She says that dunneed to rush in order to find a job right now,do what u wan to do,either take an english program or read the books as more as u can,to widen ur views!
hehe...i m glad to hear that!really!
Thanks god that i have a great mum who care and protect me well^^mum!i really love u so much!Thanks a lot!
My way,i should find my own way to do well,to let my mum proud of me!I must do it!!!
i hope that i can improve my english within this few month,if i failed my appealing to enter U TT
I hope i can accept it calmly...can i?
i m worry so much!i feel so down...haiz...
The day coming soon...cheer up gal!b happy...there is nothing impossible!
Fulfill my dream with great determination!

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