
strong heart。my view(0^.^0)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Angel required....

Today...friday aldi...
when my result will b coming out?
Haiz...i start to scold tat "IBAB" tat make me n mum so sad...!!!
Money...sumtime,i really hate it...it make human being fight for it!
As a human being,we should nt b the slave of the money...
Money,should be the things tat make us happy...use it wisely in order to live well!
ya!This is wat i should remember throughout my life!
Haiz..my goals...everyday pass by,i wonder wat i had done...is it nothing?
All my frens are studying now...wat i afraid now?
I love studying indeed,especially bio!haha!i feel extremely excited when i understand one of the theory!
We should set our goals smartly!
T-Time Framed
This is wat i get from one of the video from Youtube.Meaningful!
Tired...but have to think positively also...Gambateh...
Angel,did it present in our reality world?I need it to give me strength....

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