
strong heart。my view(0^.^0)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Haiz...my tomorrow...horror tomorrow...
so worry about that..stress...haiz...wat will be my feeling tomorrow?
God...help me...

Thursday, July 15, 2010



Thursday, July 8, 2010

Angel required....

Today...friday aldi...
when my result will b coming out?
Haiz...i start to scold tat "IBAB" tat make me n mum so sad...!!!
Money...sumtime,i really hate it...it make human being fight for it!
As a human being,we should nt b the slave of the money...
Money,should be the things tat make us happy...use it wisely in order to live well!
ya!This is wat i should remember throughout my life!
Haiz..my goals...everyday pass by,i wonder wat i had done...is it nothing?
All my frens are studying now...wat i afraid now?
I love studying indeed,especially bio!haha!i feel extremely excited when i understand one of the theory!
We should set our goals smartly!
T-Time Framed
This is wat i get from one of the video from Youtube.Meaningful!
Tired...but have to think positively also...Gambateh...
Angel,did it present in our reality world?I need it to give me strength....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Repeated feel~

Success...come to me!I want it!
Haiz...sigh,worry about my english level...
hope that i can improve it through the effort i put in!
i listen to the speech through youtube...search anythings that i m interested in,haha!
haiz...sumtime,dunnoe wat they talk about!haha...
But,i think i m able to cope it if i listen it everyday...
my letter...offer letter...will it be possible...tat mca representative tell me tat the possibility are too low...but i still hope that the miracle will occur...haiz!
time can heal my wound...i think so...
but i feel sad and regret...
regret that mean have to blame sumbody?not necessarily...
if i put UMS as last choice...mayb i m in Sabah nw...
and summore i can have a flight...
things i desire to do...tat is travel to the foreign country before 27...
bac to the topic...if i choose Sabah...will i regret?but wat i can b sure is my mum will definitely feel down and start to worry about me...
Mum...the person,the only person i care the most...it is in my heart all the time..!
I hope i can enter local U...it is my dream b4 i start my form 6...
i study as more as i can during form 6,in order to enter the U which located at KL...
Now...seen to be impposible to achive my dreams is it?
Heartbroke...local U,is it the best for me?
Utar..the last choice for me?haiz...
Bstrong...i pray...wat i wish can b true...

Monday, July 5, 2010


Believe in yourself and go after your goals and dreams!
i like it!
today,mum tells me that,i have to improve mtself in order to have a better job after graduate...!
She says that dunneed to rush in order to find a job right now,do what u wan to do,either take an english program or read the books as more as u can,to widen ur views!
hehe...i m glad to hear that!really!
Thanks god that i have a great mum who care and protect me well^^mum!i really love u so much!Thanks a lot!
My way,i should find my own way to do well,to let my mum proud of me!I must do it!!!
i hope that i can improve my english within this few month,if i failed my appealing to enter U TT
I hope i can accept it calmly...can i?
i m worry so much!i feel so down...haiz...
The day coming soon...cheer up gal!b happy...there is nothing impossible!
Fulfill my dream with great determination!